Monday, May 04, 2015

How to hide my SQL Server instance in network ? TIP #99


In TIP #70  we saw how to find all the running SQL SERVER instance in a network or a machine.

to revise see below image.


This tip is just opposite to tip #70 you don’t want that your co-worker see your SQL Server instance running on your machine machine. (There are several reason behind this Smile  and security is one of the most valuable aspects)

To achieve this you just need to do a very simple setting. Just follow below steps

1) Open “SQL SERVER Configuration Manager”


2) Once the screen is open right click on the instance which you want to hide from network (under  SQL SERVER network  configuration ) as shown below


3) When you click on Properties menu you will get a new screen as shown below

You need to set the value of Hide Instance option to Yes.


4) Click on apply button and restart the services.

Great , We achieved it. Isn’t it simple ?

I appreciate your feedback.



I am not able to access my SQL server instance on another computer tip #98


On last Friday , one of my colleagues had some issue related to accessing of SQL Server instance of database server machine in the office through his machine. I think this is generalized problem and might be faced by many of us.

So to begin with  default port of SQL SERVER is 1433 , I am sure most of us aware of this.

If we are facing such issue then most of the time it means port 1433 is not opened on SQL SERVER instance machine.

To open the port 1433  we have to follow below steps 

1) Open firewall (using Firewall.cpl command ) as shown in below figure


2) You will get below screen now click on Advance setting option as shown in below screen


3) You will get a new screen. In this we need to add a new rule for for “Inbound” & “outbound” by clicking the respective navigation menu. When you will click on “Inbound rule or outbound rule you will below screen. Now click New Rule link as highlighted below


4) When you click the New rule link you will get a new screen. Now in this screen select port radio button and click on next button 


5)Now add specific local port 1433 as shown in below figure 


When you click next button you need to choose option “Allow the connection” and you are good to go by click Next button



These same steps you have to follow for Inbound & outbound rules and your SQL port 1433 will be open and you will be able to access your sql server instance from other computer machine.

I hope this tips might resolve your problem too.

