Monday, January 24, 2011

What is Pivot Viewer in Silverlight ?

Hi Folks,

Sorry for such a late post. I know you were waiting for the new post from last 2 week. So here I am with a new interesting area which will help in data visualization. “Pivot” control is great tool supported by Silverlight 4 .
I know that I am bit late to explore such a great control. I really want to thank Microsoft Pivot team for this they did such a great job.

Again our 3 basic questions WWH means,
What is pivot viewer control?
Why pivot viewer control?
And lasts but not the least How we can use & utilize it?

So, we first start with pivot viewer.
Pivot viewer is new control supported with Silverlight 4. It is a representational control you can use this control where you want a
BI functionality . Or we can say that it provide a unique way to represent data to analyse. You can filter data on the basis of various filters which you define and the transition from one filter to another filter is so smooth you worth to watch it. You can change view from normal grid view to column view.

Now if you are aware of BI (Business Intelligence) tools then I am just saying here it is one of the BI tools which help end user to get the result by applying multiple filters. You can define facts & fact category (facts are actual data & fact categories are the fields on which you can apply filter to get desire result).

Now I know you are most interested in where & how can we use? So I am taking very interesting topic which is “Cricket World Cup 2011”.

I will explain whole topic with exam

ple in next post.

Rajat Jaiswal