Dear All,
If your SQL statement is slow then sometimes just a little change help you a lot in my case it was helpful hope it will helpful in your problem also.
Suppose you want to fetch data from two large tables for a specific constant value. Let take example of this
suppose you have two table 1. Student table 2. student enrollment table both table have large amount of data.
Now you want to fetch max record of enrollment id student wise for particular status in Student enrollment table.
Then for this you need to write following query .
SELECT ISNULL(MAX(EnrollmentHistoryId),0) AS maxenrmollmentHistoryId ,
FROM dbo.StudentEnrollment se WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.student s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.studentId = sh.studentId
AND s. YearId = @YearID
WHERE sh.Statusid = @StatusActivateId
GROUP BY sh.serializationid
Now if you find here the StatusActivateId is fixed in this case so we need to optimize this statement here we used optimize for option
SELECT ISNULL(MAX(EnrollmentHistoryId),0) AS maxenrmollmentHistoryId ,
FROM dbo.StudentEnrollment se WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.student s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.studentId = sh.studentId
AND s. YearId = @YearID
WHERE sh.Statusid = @StatusActivateId
GROUP BY sh.serializationid
OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (@StatusActivateId =21))
if you compare above statements you will find there is only one difference in last line which is option (OPTIMIZE FOR)
As i shared earlier we know the fixed value so we explicitly added the variable name and value for which we need to optimization for the query.
In SQL Server 2008 this option ins more robust which taking any unknown option.
I hope it will help you some where . Just hit and try.
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Rajat Jaiswal