Thursday, January 25, 2007

Registry is it fun?

Registry in windows operating system most valuable thing. so be care full when ever u do experiment.
The application and operating system control the three distinct level, in legacy windows system
system.ini and win.ini hold all the control and function for the operating system & application
Essentially system.ini controlled the hardware while window.ini controlled the desktop & application.
all changes of drives, font & setting and prefrences would be stored in the files.

Basically Registry is the data file for 32 bit hardware drive combinations and 32 bit applications in windows.
There are many control related with registry
1. control panel function
2. Desktop appearance and icon
3. Network prefrences
4. access control
5. login validation
6.file & printer sharing
7.Network card setting & protocol

Computer setting & default user setting stored in file files WINNT\System32\ config directory
registry date for individual user winNT\profiles\username\Ntuser.dat
it is available to very user who have logged on
the files which can not be edit delete or copy by user ofter called hives

the one of the file with .sav extention which is for save for last good known configuration.

Now let do some tricks
1.----> Disable shutDown Option
Now when u go the above path in registry
you will finde "NoClose_key" set the value = 1 or 0 to enable disable

2.---> Disable Display drives in my computer.

Hkey_Current_User\ Software \ microsoft\windows\current version\ policies\explore
now in right panel create a new DWORD Name NoDrives Modify the value "3fffff" now press F5
"to enable drive delete the DWORD"

some more tricks but later before closing this it is much better if u put a back up of ur regitry all the time