Monday, May 26, 2008

Practical Approach

Visual Basic Dot Net – Practical Approach

· To start a application in a new thread

System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(New FrmMainMDI)

· Database Handling

1) Opening a new connection

Dim CnString As String
Dim ActiveDBConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection

CnString = “Put your connection string here”

ActiveDBConnection.ConnectionString = CnString

Catch e As SqlClient.SqlException

ActiveDBConnection = Nothing

End Try

2) Executing a non select query

Dim RowAffected As Integer
Dim TSQLString As String
Dim DBCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand

DBCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(TSQLString, _

RowAffected = DBCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

If RowAffected = 0 Then
Return False
End If

3) Executing a select query for DataSet

Dim DBCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New _

Dim DBDataAd As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New _
Dim TempDS As New DataSet

DBCommand.Connection = ActiveDBConnection
DBDataAd.SelectCommand = DBCommand
Return TempDS

· Getting value of a particular field in a DataSet

DataSet.Tables(0).Rows(“Row Index”)(“Column Name/Index”)

· Getting value of a particular field in a DataRow

DataRow.Item(“Column Name/Index”)

· Function to check whether a MDI Child is active or not

Private Function CheckActiveMDIChild(ByVal MDIChildName As
String) As Boolean
Dim X As Short
X = 0
Do While X <= Me.MdiChildren.Length - 1
If Me.MdiChildren(X).Name = MDIChildName Then
Return True
Exit Do
End If
X = X + 1
Return False
End Function

· Creating a new form object and assigning it to MDI form

Dim TempFrmProduct As New FrmProduct
TempFrmProduct.MdiParent = Me
‘ Or to show form as dialog (Does not work in case
of a MDI child)


· Checking data type of a column in a DataSet

If DataSet.Tables(0).Columns("Name/Index").DataType.FullName =
_ "System.Decimal"
End If

· Reading a text file

Dim ConnectionStringText As String
Dim FS As New System.IO.FileStream(FileName, _
IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)

Dim R As New System.IO.StreamReader(FS)

ConnectionStringText = R.ReadLine

· Handling Crystal Reports

First add the crystal report (.rpt) file to project. Visual Basic automatically creates the .VB file for that particular report. This file is basically contains the class for the report added. We can use this class to call the particular report (By making a object of the class).

For example you have a report named “RBalanceSheet”. Now do the following to call the report through code.

Dim TReportDocument As New RBalanceSheet

‘ Passing values to formula fields defined in the
‘ report

TReportDocument.DataDefinition.FormulaFields.Item("OpeningText").Text = "’To Opening Balance’

‘ Setting DataSet (Data source) for the report

‘ Calling the report through Crystal Report Viewer

CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = TReportDocument

· Handling DataGrid KeyPress and mouse click events

Add following event handler on form load event:

AddHandler ProductColumnStyle.TextBox.KeyPress, AddressOf

AddHandler ProductColumnStyle.TextBox.DoubleClick, AddressOf ProductColumn_DoubleClick

Now add following event procedure:

Private Sub ProductColumn_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs)

If Asc(e.KeyChar) = Keys.Space Then

‘ Write code here

End If
End Sub

Private Sub ProductColumn_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As
Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

‘ Write code here

End Sub

· Handling Stored Procedures

1) Filling dataset using stored procedure:

Dim TempDS = New DataSet

MyDbCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_Select", MyConnection)
MyDbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

MyParamTempID = New SqlParameter("@TempID", “1”)

MyDbAdapter.SelectCommand = MyDbCommand

2) Using output parameter of the stored procedure:

Dim MyDbAdpater As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim MyDbCommand As New SqlCommand("sp_OutputValue", MyConnection)

MyDbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim TempDs = New DataSet

Dim MyParamTempID1 As New SqlParameter("@TempID1", “1”) Dim MyParamTempID2 As New SqlParameter("@TempID2", “2”) Dim MyParamNameAdd As New SqlParameter("@NameAdd", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
MyParamNameAdd.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output




3) Inserting values through stored procedure:

Dim MyDbCommand As New SqlCommand("sp_Insert", MyConnection)
Dim MyParamName As New SqlParameter("@Name", “John”)

MyDbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


4) Using Parameterized query:

Dim TempDOB As Date
TempDOB = "01/05/1980"
Dim MyDBCommand As New SqlCommand("Insert InTo Personal (Name, Age, DOB) Values (@Name, @Age, @DOB)", MyConnection)

Dim MyParamName As New SqlParameter("@Name", “John”)
Dim MyParamAge As New SqlParameter("@Age", 25)
Dim MyParamDOB As New SqlParameter("@DOB", TempDOB)



· Binding DataGrid To Dataset

MyDBAdapter.Fill(MyTempDS, "MyTable")

DataGrid1.DataSource = MyTempDS.Tables(“MyTable”)

· Binding Combo Box To Dataset

MyDBAdapter.Fill(MyTempDS, "MyTable")
ComboBox1.DataSource = MyTempDS
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "MyTable.Name"