Today I am coming with another passion after computer. “Music” is part of my life if it’s not in my life than I don’t know what happened to me. So I am dedicating this small creation to my musical friends who helps, enjoy music. Here I am with solution how to play synthesizer by WPF application.
I choose WPF here just because it’s very much attractive and I seem its give emphatic vision to my program, so friends its very simple and attractive task. We have to go in 3 simple steps.
Step1:- Design a WPF page with buttons as shown below fig.
Step2:- Download notes wav file (Sa,Re,Ga,Ma, Pa’s wav file) and include in your project.
Step3:- Now play music on key press and button click event as shown below
Dim btn As Button = CType(sender, Button)
Dim player As New SoundPlayer
Dim strPath As String = Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings(“path”).ToString()
Select Case btn.Name
Case “btnA”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\a.wav”
Case “btnB”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\b.wav”
Case “btnC”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\c.wav”
Case “btnD”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\d.wav”
Case “btnE”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\e.wav”
Case “btnF”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\f.wav”
Case “btnG”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\g.wav”
Case “btnH”
player.SoundLocation = strPath & “\gg.wav”
End Select
You can download the source code from Download link
I hope you all are musical lover and use it enhance it and more over send me updated version
Enjoy music with dot net.
Rajat Jaiswal
Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation