In this session we are going to take a look how do we connect a silver light application with database.
So here I would like to say that there are basically 4 options by which you can handle database in silver light application.
1) WCF for Silver light
2) Data Services
3) Web services
4) RIA Services (need to explore more)
Here I will explain how to connect your WPF Silver light application with database using well know Web service.
It’s easy and I think we all already work on some part of Web services.
So let’s start with it.
We have added a silver light navigation project. In navigation silver light project part we have added 2 new pages employee, register page.
Employee page is for show employee list,And register page is for register employee.
Just see project structure as below.
And In web part we have added a new web service with name my services.
Whose functionality to save, updates, Delete, and read all employee record.
As shown in below fig.
Now our next step is how to integrate this web service with silver light.
For this we add a services reference in our navigation project with the help of Add services reference menu as shown below.
Now you can rename name space according to your choice.
If you do not get any error in referencing then till now you are ok with your work.
Now our next step is calling web method in our pages.
Here I am taking first page which is employee list
We are calling web method which returns all employee lists so here we go.
Private Sub EmployeePage_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
Dim myBinding As New ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding()
Dim myEndPoint As New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(New Uri(“http://localhost/MyTest/MyWebService.asmx”, UriKind.Absolute))
Dim proxy As New MyWebServiceSoapClient(myBinding, myEndPoint)
AddHandler proxy.pub_ReadAllDataCompleted, AddressOf proxy_ReadAllEmployeeCompleted
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub proxy_ReadAllEmployeeCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As myService.pub_ReadAllDataCompletedEventArgs)
Me.myGrid.ItemsSource = e.Result
Catch ex As Exception
Me.HeaderText.Text = ex.InnerException.Message.ToString
End Try
End Sub
Now things to remember here
1) Dim myBinding As New ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding()
Its shows the binding is http binding
2) Dim myEndPoint As New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(New Uri(“http://localhost/MyTest/MyWebService.asmx”, UriKind.Absolute))
Here the path can be absolute or relative.
3) Next you have to call web method like we have call here proxy.pub_ReadAllDataAsync()
4) once we have call the method asyncronously then we have to make a event handler like we have create here
AddHandler proxy.pub_ReadAllDataCompleted, AddressOf proxy_ReadAllEmployeeCompleted
5) when the asyncronous method is complete we have to take result complete argument and covert according to our requirement.
I have just bind the result to datagrid and get below screen.
Just see below.
So friends in this way we can call web service in a Silverlight application.
Still we can use DataServices, RIA services, and WCF services for data manipulation application.
Hope in next few chapter we will take this example and work on it.
That’s all friends, thanks for reading the article.
Happy programming!