Monday, March 31, 2014

Build 2014–2nd–4th April

Dear all,

Its back enjoy build on 2nd & 4th April. Although I am very interested to join and see this great event live at San Francisco but unfortunately Sad smile not able to go there.

I will enjoy video

You can find more detail with below link

So enjoy learning


Rajat Jaiswal

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sammy.Js–simplest steps to create Restful web application (Single Page Applications) SPAs

Dear All,

Today I  am sharing with you one of the best and easy to understand JS which is “Sammy.Js”.

“Sammy.js” is 16 k java script over JQUERY which provide facility to developer to create RESTFUL SPAs (single Page Application).

It is very  clean, simple and easy to adapt java script.rl

You get Restful URL easily with this.

It added “#”  hash in URL. For example see below example

Let us understand this with example.

In last post you have seen how to consume web API with JQUERY

Here I am using the sample source code to move forward with sammy.js.

What we are planning here to create a page with menus and in this page we will call sammy.js on menu to call responsive URL to show states list ,particular state according to id and default page . as shown in below figure


Step 1:-  Add “Sammy.js” in the project using Nuget package manager as shown in below figure


Step 2:- Once the Sammy.Js added in your project you will find the Js in your project’s script folder


Step 3:-

Add sammy js reference in the project

   1: <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
   2:    <script src="~/Scripts/sammy-0.7.4.min.js"></script>

Step 4:-

Now below screen shot show the html which is designed to achieve our task


Step 5:- Now when Home menu link click by end user we will show  default page which in Index page in our case and its URL will be


And when user click on States link in navigation then it will show URL


And page will show list of states

last but not the least when user click on MP menu in navigation  then it will show URL


and page will show state name according to Id which is currently 1 in above url

Step 6:-

Now to achieve this we need to invoke Sammy.js  as shown below in below code

   1: <script type="text/javascript">
   3:       $(document).ready(function () {
   4:           var sammySPA = $.sammy("#main", function () { // initializing main div which is base for SPAs application content 
   6:               //Default url  
   7:               this.get('#/', function (context) {
   9:         ''); // clear what ever previously written in main div
  10:                   $("#main").append("<B> Showing default url content by code</b>"); // this code append the content in msin div 
  12:               });
  13:               //below code will fire when user click on state link 
  14:               this.get('#/States', function (context) {
  16:                   //calling the Web API to provide State name array 
  17:                   $.get("http://localhost:43597/api/mystate/", function (data, textStatus) {
  18:                       var str = "";
  19:                       // create list with sate name which again referencing to new url
  20:                       for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  21:                           str = str + "<li><a href='#/States/" + (i+1).toString() + "'>" + data[i] + "</a></li>";
  22:                       }
  24:                       //Clean the main div 
  25:             '');
  26:                       //Apeend the data in main div
  27:                       $("#main").append("<ul>" + str + "</ul>");
  30:                   });
  32:               });
  34:               //States/stateId url 
  35:               this.get('#/States/:id', function (context) {
  36:                   //calling web api to get particular state by id
  37:                   $.get("http://localhost:43597/api/mystate/"+, function (data, textStatus) {
  39:             '');
  40:                       $("#main").append("<h1>" + data + "</h1>");
  43:                   });
  44:               });
  48:           });
  50: '#/'); //run sammy.js
  54:       });
  55:   </script>

Step 7:-

Let me explain the above code here

We have define $.sammy function which is bounded with the div whose.

$.sammy(‘#main’,function() {}).run(); this is the basic function to invoke sammy.js

Step 8:- Now to which url we need to entertain by which method like  get, put, Post, delete. We need to define our functionality according to our need in current example we have used get function.

this.get(‘#/’,function (context){});

The meaning of above line is when ever a request (default) invoke by end user just execute function as defined. in the function there is context parameter . Which help in accessing method type (get/post) , parameters

Step 9:-  Now when you run and click on States link you will get following screen


Step 10:- you can test it further I have added list of states also with dynamic url  so when you click on MP, RJ, MH etc in above list you will get a new URL according to our need


I hope this example will help you to create your own SPA application.

I defiantly say here “Sammy.js” rock. I like this script hope you will also.

Enjoy learning

your Host


Friday, March 21, 2014

How to consume Web API using JQUERY ?



In last two articles we understood

 what is Web API ? (

and How to create it ? (

Now next is how to consume it ?

So here we will understand this by an example. I am pretty much sure you all  are comfortable with server side code so here in current example we using  client side code to consume web API.

In current example I have created a Web API with name “MyState” . The basic functionality of this Web API is to provide list of all the State with default get method and provide specific state according to provided id.

Let me show you snap shots of created code & running API here


Above figure shows default get method which response array of string (name of state)


Now to consume this Web API in our project we have added a view with following Java script

in below screen we have used a “get” JQUERY function and as we  know the API URL we wrote that and once the response from API returned we concatenated the response array with <li> tag and show as a innerHTML of stateName div as shown in below fig


Now when we run this program on index.cshtml we got following response


In current example we have used  “GET” method we can also consume post operation for INSERT/UPDATE/Delete

I hope you will like this post.


Your host


Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to split entity classes in a separate project from Entity Framework in easy step

Dear All,

Below are easy step to split the entity classes in a separate project. I have created a MVC sample project in below example. Now follow below steps

Step 1:- Add  a Ado.NET Entity Data Model  as shown below. I am using SQL Server “Friends” Database in this example.defaultedm 

Step 2:-

Once EDMX is added I got below structure as shown in below figure. Entities for each table object of Friends Database shown in below fig


Step 3:- Now as our goal to separate this entity class  I added a new class project as shown in below figure


Step 4:-

Now in this class project add  EF 5.x Db Context Generator  as shown in below figure


Step 5:-

Now  click on file in your new class project. Just edit  the Input file  as I edited in below fix you need to give your EDMX Path. 

Like I did “ using string inputFile = @”..\youredmxprojectname\youredmxname.edmx”


Step 6:-   Once this code is changed delete the all the  entities files from EDMX and rebuild  the project

Step 7:-  Once the file is generated you are good to go  just see as I got the files  in separate class project.



I hope you will achieve the same with above steps.

So enjoy learning Smile

Your Host,

Rajat Jaiswal

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Start “Knockout.Js” for Beginners

Dear All,

I heard a lot about “Knockout.js”.

So let us understand it first. “knockout.js “ is rich java script mode. It helps you to work on “MVVM” (Model View View Model) architecture pattern.

It helps you to work on “Reactive programming  or push model ". It means you can track your UI changes without much effort what ever changes done on View level (UI) it easily reflected in your viewmodel.

Let up try it and make a sample, but how to start it this is one of the concern.

So here I am with step by step approach how to start it

Step 1:-  Create a  new web project. I have selected empty template. so right now there is no item exists in it

Step 2:- click on nuget package as shown below


Step 3: We need to add first Jquery package so search Jquery package and add it as shown in below fig


Step 4:- Once JQUERY package is installed on your project now add new package which is knockout.Js package as shown in below fig


Step 5:- Once both this package installed we will add a new page which is default.html now add reference of both JQUERY & Knockout.js to this page

Now I am adding employee view as shown below


Let me explain each important line in this.

In our example we have created EmployeeReviewVM function which is basically a view model function for knockout js.In this function we have define Name & Rating two property and one more computed property (dependent on Rating property value).

we have used “ko.observable” it is used for push mode means whatever changed on View should reflect in viewModel also and vice versa.

Now we have used “ko.computed” function it means what ever the value changed of Rating the increment property calculated at runtime.

Step 5:

Now how to use in view part.


So if you see in the above picture we have used data-bind property which basically  bind the EmployeeViewmodel to html. We have used span so internally we have used text if we have used input tag then we can use value property.

Step 6: Now when you run it you will get following  page result.


I hope you are good to go with this. you can use different property like array , for each etc to fetch data.

You can use knockout js for SPA creation.

I hope this  tutorial give you basic idea.

Enjoy Knockout js.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Rajat Jaiswal